Welcome to 'The Cobain Conspiracy'. This WebSite is dedicated
to the belief that Courtney Love and her affiliates had a great deal to
do with the murder of her husband, Kurt Donald Cobain.
Kurt Cobain was considered the spokesperson for a generation,
being frontman of the hugely popular and inspirational grunge-rock
band, Nirvana.
This Site is suggesting that Courtney Love WAS INVOLVED with the murder of Kurt Cobain, not that she HERSELF murdered him.
Presented upon this WebSite, you will find information that was
overlooked (or deliberately disregarded) by the Law Enforcement
Officials assigned to the case, information that proves Courtney Love's
alibi untruthful. Did Courtney have so much animosity towards
her husband to the point where she would plan his murder... despite
the fact that they had it all, including a beautiful baby girl? If Courtney
Love DID plot Kurt Cobain's death, what right does she have to walk
free? What right does she have to raise a child? Doesn't it seem strange
that she recovered so quickly from his death... that she became involved
sexually with others within three weeks!?!?
Courtney Love has her own band called "Hole". According to the in-
depth report by Private Investigator Tom Grant, supposedly Hole's
guitarist Eric Erlandson was in on the plot with Courtney. Also a member
of "Hole", Bassist and Background Vocalist, Kristen Pfaff, "commited
suicide" shortly after the death of Kurt Cobain. Did Kristen know too much?
Or could she simply not take the pressure?
There is also another suspect thrown in the mix... there is (was) a man
named El Duce. It is said that El Duce was offered $50,000 to murder Kurt
Cobain. El Duce (member of the shock aka 'rape' rock band: The Mentors)
did not have the balls to pull it off himself... but he knew this crazy guy who
calles himself Allen Wrench. (El Duce supposedly got Allen Wrench to do his dirty work for him.) Shortly after Kurt's body was found, El Duce gave an interview with the BBC, drunk as always, mumbling that he knew the identity of Kurt Cobain's killer. A few days later, Allen Wrench shows up at El Duce's apartment, (this is El Duce's roommate's story,)
all pissed off and looking for El Duce... then he comes home and the two of them go for a walk...
... El Duce mysteriously "stumbled drunk in front of a train" and was killed that night.
Also located on this Site you will find a printable PETITION that
you, yourself, can sign and mail to the Chief of Police C/O the Seattle Police
Department, demanding the re-opening of the Kurt Cobain "suicide" case.
With everyone working together on this cause... IT WILL BE RE-OPENED!
This may seem like a cry in the dark, but with LOTS of cries in the dark
Because of Legal purposes, I, the creator of this WebSite, will remain
annonymous. I will view all messages posted by people, and respond to them
if necessary. Don't even bother asking me who I am, you will get no reply. This
Site is maintained solely for the purpose of getting the Kurt Cobain Death
Investigation going again. I am not looking for any personal gain, this site is
NOT about me.
A Message for Courtney Love
How does it feel to have someone plotting against you for once? I remain annonymous because for some strange reason, Courtney, those who doubt and suspect you somehow befall misfortune... why is this? Any psychologist will say you have all the symptoms of GUILT! You lie and cheat and pay people off... you destroyed an icon, you destroyed the lives of innocent fans who followed Kurt's "suicide", you rip apart any shred of hope that Kurt was not a depressed, suicidal drug addict... hope that is necessary in the minds of weak, inexperienced teenagers who depended on him. You admit you're a bitch, but that is a serious understatement. It makes me nauseous that people still like you. You need to hand Frances over to Kurt's mother and turn yourself in. Kurt's soul will forever be free, yours, however, is far beyond saving.
Here is some Email I have recieved:
I have been thinking EVERYDAY for almost two years now "What the fuck
happened with Kurt?". I have been puzzled since 1996. I was just an
ordinary kid. I was in grade school when Kurt died, but now I enjoy
ANYTHING left of his music (and NIRVANA) I can get my hands on. I really
got into Nirvana in 1996 when I started buying obscure items and
bootlegs. Noticing that there were other great songs to be discovered I
became heavily involved in the music of Nirvana. Last year I questioned
myself for the first time (when I subscribed to HSMB) "Was Kurt really
murdered?". And i thought "Nah...". I had believed what they (media)
told me all along and then I saw that "Unsolved Mysteries" episode about
Kurt Cobain, "MY HERO". That's when I first learned of the credit card!
looked early enough then we would have had a better chance of catching
this fucker, not necessarily the guy/girl that killed Kurt, but someone
in on this scheme! I went to a site last night and spent over 5 hours
compiling information about the days leading up to the discovery. It was
YOUR site! And it fucking showed me EVERYTHING that Tom Grant had
written which I have been unaware was available on the internet! Now
that you've come along and helped me see this through, I've turned to
the murder theory entirely. I read EVERY article on your site about the
Tom Grant investigation! It helped out alot. Anyway, I sent the petition
to the SPD, but why doesn't everyone get in on this fucking thing?
FUCKING LAZY? I'M PISSED AS WELL AS YOU ARE!!! I want to know the truth
and I'm not gonna take Courtney's fucking plotted stories anymore. Her
overdoses, "accidents", brainwashing close friends, bringing them in on
this plot. I have no respect for that lying cunt fucker! My duty now is
to unveil the truth. Are you with me? You can remain anonymous, no
problem. I just want the TRUTH, and so do all the other LAZY fuckers on
the HSMB list. I am only 16, and have no idea what your age is, but we
could start something. I am willing to do WHATEVER it fucking takes to
prove this case by the FACTUAL EVIDENCE. And to do this need the help of
the law, the Seattle Police Department. I am willing to quit school to
fucking open this case again, to die for the life Kurt lost, to live for
all the music he created, and to dig deep into the unknown where missing
information is waiting to be disclosed to the millions of angst-ridden
humans on earth. I ask again, ARE YOU IN? I'm ready, all you have to do
is respond. More of my ideas when you respond. Please don't give up on
these lazy fuckers of HSMB, drive into their hearts until we can march
down together to the SPD and revolt on their turf, for they have driven
us away for 4 years of my life with a simple open and shut case. Please
contact me soon, and if you know Tom Grant's home/p.o. adress I would
like that too as well as Courtney's e-mail so I can FUCK with her as she
did to so many of us Nirvana fans...
I took a look at your site and was extremely pleased by what I saw.
Thanks so much for doing it. I have no doubt you're going to inspire a
lot of people to really do something about this, which is what it's all
I want to let you know that things are going extremely well with the
case. A lot more people are stepping forward and speaking with me; also,
I'm hearing from more and more people worldwide, who are committed to
helping out. Toward that end, a lot of them have been handing out the
flyer I created.
As I said, the key is getting all supporters together and working for
the common cause. Anyone who sincerely wants to help out, I would be
delighted to hear from, and you have my permission to put this message
(and my email address) up at your site. Working on this case requires
the work of a lot of people, and the more people are not only involved
but actually doing a job for the case, the better for all concerned.
With the upcoming release of the new Hole album, supporters worldwide
should take this unique opportunity to:
-Initiate a worldwide boycott not only of this record and all Hole
music, but all Geffen recording artists.
No one on the Geffen label can anymore claim that they don't know what's
going on with Courtney Love, and they have a duty--which they have to be
accountable for--to either support or oppose her. It's that simple. A
total Geffen boycott will demonstrate to the world that we mean
business, and how serious this is. It's high time the press understand
that we supporters will simply not accept inaction in regard to this
If you want to change powerful corporations, hit them where it hurts
most: their wallet.
-Hand out flyers and demonstrate for this cause. When the Hole record is
released, we *must* have people who are committed to setting up shop
outside all major music stores. Also, the MTV music awards is being held
in Los Angeles, and is a PERFECT venue to raise awareness for the
case--as you probably now, Hole is due to play that night.
If we could even get 50 people assembled in Los Angeles for that
evening--and I will commit to fly out from Boston if we can get people
together--I cannot tell you how important that would be for the case.
Thank you for putting up this website. It is obvious that a lot of thought went into the design. I have believed that Kurt Cobain was murdered since the summer of 1995 when I was alerted to the rumors circulating among California musicians that Courtney Love had a hand in her husband's death. It's nice to see that although more than four years have passed since Cobain's death, people still care.

The Cobain Conspiracy - get off your ass and DO SOMETHING!!!